Friday, May 23, 2008

Green Kids

Here's a list of resources that will help in your quest to turn your kids green. Not like that, silly!

Green Thumbs:

Dunecraft : A really great company that provides funky growing kits for kids. It really draws them in to the whole growing process.

Arbor Day : I know it has come and gone, but the site has a wealth of information about how to get kids involved year-round. It also has kids sections broken down into age friendly activities.

USDA State Forest Kids Page : With sections like Backyard Conservation, Gardening with the Penn State Pointers, Nature Watch, and Woodsy Owl, there's something for kids of all ages.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Toys for Tots : Kids, they like toys, ya know? Why not have them donate one of their unopened gifts to someone who doesn't have ANY? Let them get involved.

Cheerful Givers : Their site is adorable and their mission is great. From their "About Us" section, "Cheerful Givers is a 501c3 nonprofit organization committed to helping children in need. We provide birthday gift bags through shelters and food shelves to disadvantaged, needy children. "

Compassionate Kids : This nonprofit is geared toward teaching kids to be kind to the earth, people, and animals. They're currently looking for volunteers within their organization for the following areas:

~Board Member
~National Director
~Local Chapter Leader for the State of Georgia

Some Fun:

Haagen-Daz Honey Bee Site : So cute. Great little activities for the kiddies.

A Walk in the Woods : Check it out. Pretty cool link.

EEK! Environmental Education for Kids.

I'll be back soon to tell you all about Green Parents.


Anonymous said...

Nice site -- and thanks for including Cheerful Givers!

Sara Spock said...

Karen- Thanks for all you do! I'm sure your organization brings so much joy to all of the children.

Miss Lissy said...

I remember collecting for Toys for Tots when I was a kid. We stopped doing Christmas exchange and instead started to bring toys for the kids at Toys for Tots. Everyone should be able to play when they're kids.

WendyCinNYC said...

Very nice. My daughters will love those websites.

colbymarshall said...

Although green kids (yes, THAT green) would be kind of funny!

Heather Massey said...

Those are some great links. My daughter is only two but I'm already trying to teach her to conserve way more than what I was taught at her age. The resources you list will help make it easier. Thanks!

JJ Cooper said...

Thanks for the links, Sara. We are teaching our oldest (5) to look after the environment and what he can do. Those sites give us some great ideas.


plaid said...

When I was about four or five, my aunt made me a tote bag that was woven from empty bread bags. It was colorful, durable (I wore the thing out) and I loved it so much. I don't remember exactly how it was made, but it would make an awesome craft for kids or adults, and keep some trash out of the landfill. I've been looking for years on instructions, but I think she just made it up on the fly. Wish I had those kind of crafty skills!

Elrena said...

Great list of links! Off to check them out....

Bree said...

Hey Ya'll. i just checked out this site and i was wondering how many of you have heard of it and what you thought about it.

I thought it was a great way to get free samples. Let me know what you think.